When it comes to Learning, websites for breadth and books for depth
Become a Naturalist, Explore, Record
- INaturalist.org (Put your wheels to the road and start collecting observations become a naturalist.)
- EBird (Perfect for the naturalist only interested in birds)
- Encyclopedia of Life (Amazing online archive of all things living)
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology (Best site for birders to learn and explore)
More Technical Databases
- GBIF (The most comprehensive organism database)
- Red List (Endangered and Vulnerable species that need to be conserved)
- AntWeb.org (Ant specific database amazing pictures)
- PDB (Very technical database for 3d protein visualization)
- NCBI GenBank ()
Free online classes and videos
- DIYbio sphere (public lab areas for the public to get invloved and learn)
- Openculture (Many subjects, but this link goes to Biology classes)
- MIT Open Course (Great for in depth free online lectures.)
Dive Deeper Free Scientific Journals
- Plos (Great Open Source Journal with many topics covered)
Awesome Blogs, Websites and Podcasts
- The Botanist in the Kitchen (An awesome quirky mix of fun kitchen topics meets botanical rigor)
- Awkward botany (I would feel awkward not recommending this great botanical content)
- Virology.ws (Fantastic Virus related blog and Podcast This Week In Virology aka TWIV)
- TWIM (This week in Microbiology Podcast)
- TWIP (This week in Parasitology Podcast)
- All other Microbe.tv Podcasts
- The Field Guides (A walk through the woods with two fantastic engaging hosts / academics)
- Wildflowers of the Pacific North West (A great place to learn where to see wildflowers and ID them)